Hoya wayetti


This is a Hoya Wayetti. It is a very healthy plant with beautiful leaves and Bloom Spurs! When this plant blooms it is truly magical looking!

Important Shipping Information!

Due to the careful packing of the plant, the weight, and the priority shipping this item is going to cost more to ship. This is unfortunately out of our control. We will make sure that the box the plant arrives in is padded and carefully packed so the plant arrives safely. However, there are no guarantees against damage caused by shipping delays, carrier mishandling, or weather. Once the package is given to USPS to ship it is unfortunately out of our control. Make sure you track your package and bring it indoors as soon as it arrives. When shipping plants, some stress or leaf loss is possible after shipping due to changes in weather or environment. Most plants will recover within a few days with the proper care. We will do our very best to minimize this from happening. Hoyas require varying care based on and environment. If you have any questions about caring for this plant please email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

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