DIY: Go Ahead and Build a Room.


I am being 100% facetious when I say that. Building a room has been a major undertaking. I’m not a professional builder and this idea was more about creativity, expression, and truly loving the space I call home than it was about the technical aspects of building. I am lucky enough to have family members who are skilled, professional builders that I can call upon and I’m lucky that they don’t tell me I’m crazy when I come up with one hair brained scheme after the next.

Seriously, though, this was about more than just building a room. Designing is a passion for me, and I saw a space that not only needed a major upgrade, but also had incredible potential. When I first hatched this plan, I didn’t imagine that adding on a single room would make a big difference in the feel and energy of my home but it absolutely has! The project isn’t finished yet. There’s more work to do outside and some finish work left inside, but the space is functional and it’s exceeding my expectations.

If you want to read about the whole process, check it out.


I have a lot to say about design and decor, but I want to know your thoughts. What plant-centric design and decor ideas are on your mind, and what would you like to hear about when it comes to decorating?


The Story on Hoya Sp. Aff. Burtoniae.


In Bloom: How to Care for Hoya Krohniana.